Month of the Sacred Heart: Heart of Jesus Tabernacle of the Most High

Source: FSSPX News

Let Me rejoice in you. My greatness will make your littleness disappear; from now on we shall labor together and as one. I whall live in You and you will live for souls. My Heart will do all that is needful, My Mercy will be active, My Love will annihilate your whole being. The more you disappear, the more I shall be your life.

Speak to Me, for I am near you… You are not alone, for I see you even when you do not see Me… I follow you… I hear you… Speak to Me, smile at Me, for I am your Spouse, your inseparable Companion.

I love you because of your littleness. I ask of you only one thing: Love and Abandonment. I want you to be like an empty vase, which I Myself will undertake to fill. Let your Creator care for His creature.

You may be poor, but I am rich; feeble, but I am strong. But I do ask you never to refuse Me anything. I will defend you, I will raise you up; abandon yourself and I will do everything.

Sister Josefa Menéndez, The Way of Divine Love, Aeterna Press.