According to Rabbi Rosen, the Society of St. Pius X's Return Should Not Be an Obstacle to Judeo-Christian Dialogue

Source: FSSPX News

Rabbi David Rosen, head of inter-religious dialogue for the American Jewish Committee, claimed on November 10, 2011, that in the event of the Society of St. Pius X returning to the Catholic Church, the conciliar declaration Nostra Aetate (October 28, 1965), which is the basis of inter-religious dialogue, would not be compromised.  “We have already voiced our concerns,” he declared at the end of an audience granted by the Pope to the Council of the Religious Leaders of Israel.

According to the Italian press, the Rabbi recalled that he had obtained from Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Commission for the Relations with Judaism, the guarantee that the Vatican II text concerning the Church's relations with non-Christian religions was not under discussion.  “That does not mean that an explicit recognition of Nostra Aetate is included in the doctrinal Preamble submitted to the priestly Society of  St. Pius X by the Holy See,” explained David Rosen, even if this should be accepted in practice for, according to him, “this acceptance is necessary for any reconciliation.”

When questioned on the appropriateness of the discussions between the Vatican and the traditionalists, David Rosen recognized that he did not have the right to intervene in the internal choices of another religion, but he hoped nonetheless that the Holy See would be “explicit” in refusing the negation of the Holocaust, if there were to be a reconciliation.

Mentioning the Assisi meeting on October 27, David Rosen emphasized the “humility and fraternity” of Benedict XVI, who sat on the same seat as all the other participants and was on the same level as them. (sources: apic/imedia – DICI#245, Nov 26, 2011)