Advent at the School of St. Bernard (15)

The Last Judgment - Fra Angelico
We know three comings of Christ: His coming to men, His coming into men and His coming against men.
He comes to all men differently.
But concerning the second advent, which is spiritual and hidden, listen to what He says Himself, “If any one love Me,” He says, “he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him” (Jn. 14:23). Oh ! Blessed is the man with whom Thou, Lord Jesus, makest Thy abode! Blessed is he in whom “Wisdom hath built herself a house, and hath hewn out her seven pillars” (Pr. 9:1)! Blessed is the soul which has become the seat of Wisdom! But whose is this soul? She is the soul of the just man, how could it be otherwise, since it is justice and judgment that prepares wisdom’s stay?
Who among you, my Brothers, wishes to prepare a home for Jesus Christ in his soul? Here are the silk hangings, tapestries, and cushions He wants to find there: “Justice and judgment are the preparation of thy throne” (Ps. 88:15).

Le Jugement Dernier - Fra Angelico
Illustration :
Title : Le Jugement Dernier
Artist : Fra Angelico
Date : vers 1395