Advent at the School of St. Bernard (7)

Adoration of the Shepherds by Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán
When we ask ourselves Who is the One who is coming, we have found that it is a guest of a great in ineffable majesty.
And when we consider from where He comes, it turned out that we have seen unfold before our eyes a road of immense length, about which the Prophet Isaias says, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost: “Behold the name of the Lord cometh from afar” (Is. 30:27).
Finally to this question : From where does He come? We have recognized the inestimable and almost inconceivable honor He had deigned to give us by descending from such a height into the horrible stay of our prison.

Illustration :
Adoration of the Shepherds - Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán
Artist : Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán
Date : circa 1630