Advent at the School of St. Bernard (7)

Source: FSSPX News

Adoration of the Shepherds by Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán

When we ask ourselves Who is the One who is coming, we have found that it is a guest of a great in ineffable majesty.

And when we consider from where He comes, it turned out that we have seen unfold before our eyes a road of immense length, about which the Prophet Isaias says, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost: “Behold the name of the Lord cometh from afar” (Is. 30:27).

Finally to this question : From where does He come? We have recognized the inestimable and almost inconceivable honor He had deigned to give us by descending from such a height into the horrible stay of our prison.

Illustration :

Adoration of the Shepherds - Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán

Artist : Atelier de Francisco de Zurbarán

Date : circa 1630