Advent at the School of St. Bernard (9)

Source: FSSPX News

It is now fitting that we should consider the time of our Savior’s coming. He came, as you know, not in the beginning, nor in the midst of time, but in the end of it.

It is not without reason, but with great reason, on the contrary, that Wisdom par excellence regulated that He would only bring help to men when it would become more necessary for them, for He is not unaware that the children of Adam are prone to ingratitude. Now, in truth, it could be said that night was already approaching, that the day was far spent, that the sun of justice had begun to set, and but a faint ray of His light and heat remained on earth. For the light of the knowledge of God had become very weak, at the same time as, under the icy mantle of iniquity, the heat of charity had noticeably diminished.

There was no more appearance of angels, no more prophets raising their voices; it seems that, overcome by despair at the sight of the excessive hardening and stubbornness of men, some had ceased to appear and others to speak. But I, says the Son, “Behold I come: in the head of the book it is written of me” (Ps. 39:8). The Apostle said: “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent His Son” (Ga. 4:4). It is because the fullness and abundance of temporal things had produced the oblivion and dearth of things eternal. So it was fitting for eternity to come when the things of time were reigning supreme.

Illustration :

Christ on His Throne by Maître du Psautier de Ingeborg

Date : after 1205