After Claims of a Miracle, is Paul VI Soon to be Canonized as a Saint?

Source: FSSPX News

A banner of Pope Paul VI during his beatification ceremony in Rome

At the meeting of the cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints on February 6, 2018, the recognition of a “miracle” attributed to the intercession of Giovanni Battista Montini was unanimously approved.

The miracle involved the cure, “inexplicable from a scientific point of view”, of a child born during the fifth month of pregnancy who, according to the doctors, had no chance of survival due to a serious complication in the pregnancy. The mother’s life was also in danger. In medical terms, it was the cure of a prenatal fetus suffering from a premature rupture of the membranes at the thirteenth weak, with the complication of anhydramnios (loss of the amniotic fluid).

At the suggestion of a friend, the couple decided to entrust their case to the intercession of Paul VI who was “beatified” on October 19, after a miracle obtained for an unborn baby. On December 25, 2014, when the situation degenerated, Vanna Pironato was hospitalized. A little over two hours later, she gave birth to a little Amanda Maria Paola, who against all odds was born alive and is in good health today.

The case was examined by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The “inexplicable” nature of the cure was declared last year by the dicastery’s Medical Council, then analyzed and approved by the theologians. The last step was the meeting of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, that took note of the conclusions of the doctors, experts, and theologians. Cardinal Prefect Angelo Amato will now present the vote of the cardinals and bishops to Pope Francis. The final decision is up to the Holy Father.

Whatever the case may be for this birth that is “scientifically inexplicable from a medical point of view”, which FSSPX.News does nothing more than report in the present article, this recent development once again raises the question of the changes in the processes of beatification and canonization, explained by Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize in his study “Doubts on the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II”. 

What is more, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who received a suspens a divinis under Paul VI’s pontificate, explained to the seminarians of Econe his judgment on this pope in his conferences on the Acts of the Magisterium that were the material for his book They Have Uncrowned Him. Chapter 31 of this book, titled “Paul VI, A Liberal Pope,” reveals exactly what the founder of the Society of St. Pius X would have said to this announcement of an upcoming “canonization”. 

The pontificate of Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) will go down in history as that of the Second Vatican Council and its application, which brought the revolution into the Church. Here are some of the major reforms it accomplished: the New Mass, whose spirit and rite are dangerously similar to the Protestant “liturgy”; a false ecumenism that ignores the true unity of the Church; the general aggiornamento that abolished the venerable traditions of orders and congregations by questioning priestly and religious life; the lasting crisis of the Church, with the destruction of faith and vocations, of the Catholic spirit in education, of moral and religious practice in every aspect, etc. A tortured Pope, prey to doubt and worry, Paul VI claimed to forbid the Mass of St. Pius V at the 1976 consistory, and persecuted the legitimate reaction of Tradition, which opposed the conciliar revolution with twenty centuries of the life and teaching of the Church.