Apostle n°62: news from the Asian district

Source: FSSPX News

The Apostle newsletter provides regular news from the Asian district of the Society of St. Pius X. This issue is delighted to see the first priest of South Korean origin ordained in the Fraternity and assigned to his home district. It also reports on a pilgrimage to Akita, Japan, and on the latest Rosa Mystica mission in the Philippines.

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

It is only natural to be joyous when we commemorate anniversaries and important Family moments. The same applies to anniversaries and important moments from the lives of our “Religious Family.”

This year (November), we are remembering a significant milestone in the SSPX. It was 50 years ago (1974) that Archbishop Lefebvre issued a statement to his young congregation to repair the damage caused by the Apostolic Visitors sent by Rome.

Both visitors, Monsignor Descamps and Monsignor Onclin, challenged the traditional Church teachings, even questioning to the extreme if they are truly unchangeable. Thus, was born the well-known “1974 Declaration” of Archbishop Lefebvre.

This 50th anniversary is not considered a “Joyous Anniversary” like others. Rather, this declaration serves as a sobering reminder of the genuine conflicts that we are facing in our apostolates around the world.

In certain circumstances, we must speak the truth and condemn errors, regardless of the consequences from superiors or public opinion. Here in the vast District of Asia, we should remind ourselves frequently of Archbishop Lefebvre’s important statement from five decades ago.

We might easily fall into a false sense of security believing that the battle is almost over since we have chapels, churches, and regular Masses. This would be a mistake. Our Catholic faith remains at stake in this ongoing conflict.

Let us consider carefully our dear founder’s brief yet profound message and reflect upon its perennial truths.  He expresses vital truths in such a beautiful manner.

Rest assured of our prayers for all of you! May God reward your generosity a hundred-fold.

Thank you.
In Jesus et Maria,

Fr. Patrick Summers
District Superior of Asia