Australia: reactions against the new cardinal from Sydney

Source: FSSPX News


The decision of the pope to create the Archbishop of Sydney a cardinal next October 21 has been particularly criticized in Australia. Archbishop George Pell is currently the target of liberal Catholics. According to the news agency APIC, the liberals think this conservative choice is going to alienate large sectors of the Church.

Archbishop Pell is the object of fierce criticism because of his quite orthodox positions on subjects like homosexuality and contraception. According to the Archbishop of Canberra, Msgr. Pat Power, certain members of the Church are going to be sorely disappointed by the pope’s choice. In fact, a group of Catholic homosexuals, the Rainbow Sash Movement, has already warned that this nomination “will strengthen the defiance to Rome”. “Pell is typical of a doctrinaire and exclusivist mentality”, claims one of the group’s spokesmen, Michael Kelly. “It’s a sad day for the Church, a most regrettable nomination”.

Archbishop Pell, who refused to give communion to members of the Rainbow Sash, has brushed aside the criticisms, insisting that his nomination signified the recognition of the contribution of Catholics to Australian society.