
Source: FSSPX News

The second Synod on the Family will end this Sunday, October 25, and all observers are wondering what might come of it.... A commission of experts who will study the question of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics? A Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis? A magisterial document on marriage and the family? After more than two weeks of work, nobody knows. Yet the general impression is of great doctrinal confusion and profound divisions between the Synod Fathers.

Of course, they will talk about “synodal polyphony” or a “collegial symphony” in order to hide the genuine cacaphony. And to mask the real risk of a de facto schism, they will say that they have arrived at a “differentiated consensus”, to use the foggy expression of the famous Kasper. Then the experts will meet to show that everybody, once again, is still seeking....

But behind all this rhetoric and posturing, a dissolving collegiality will allow each episcopal conference to do in practice whatever it wants: what remains a doctrinal error for some will become a pastoral truth for others. Sin for Cardinal Caffarra in Bologna, mercy for Cardinal Marx in Munich!

Aggiornamento, openness to modernity and the cult of man.... Ever since they started listening to the world, they have no longer agreed about anything in the Church. To this, Jesus responds: “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:28).

Fr. Alain Lorans

Toward a decentralization of truth?