Belgian Law Shows its Grisly Results - 15,000 Dead in Only 14 Years

On May 28, 2002, the law legalizing euthanasia for adults was promulgated in Belgium.
15 years later, between 2002 and 2016, 14,753 people have been legally killed, according to the official numbers of the Federal Control Commission. The association Alliance Vita has published an assessment that sends shivers up the spine.
The first fact drawn from the study published by Alliance Vita, an association that works for the protection of human life, is the worrisome increase in the number of euthanasia cases: 2024 declarations were submitted to the Federal Control Commission, compared to 953 in 2010; in other words, the cases have more than doubled in six years.
And yet, despite the promises of those who promoted this disastrous law, the abuses have not stopped. There are still many cases of clandestine euthanasia: they are estimated at about 27% of all the euthanasia cases in Flanders and 42% in Wallonia.
Another abuse lies in the fact that the Federal Control Commission, which has examined all the declarations it has received since the law was implemented in 2002, did not send a single case to the prosecutor until 2015! That is enough to cast serious doubt upon the impartiality of an organization mostly made up of specialists in favor of euthanasia, including the president of the Belgian Association for the Right to Die with Dignity (ADMD).
The assessment of 15 years of legal euthanasia also points out the increasingly lax interpretation of “constant, unbearable and unsoothable physical or psychological suffering”, the recourse to euthanasia to obtain organ transplants, and the moral pressure to suppress the conscience clause…
The evolution of mentalities is very alarming, especially in the Flemish regions, where euthanasia is constantly banalized in the name of the individual’s freedom “to dispose of his own life and death”. Euthanasia is little by little coming to be considered, like abortion, as a right whose application can be demanded for oneself or one’s loved ones.
This banalization finds its corollary in the February 28, 2014 vote for the law that made Belgium the only country in the world that can euthanize minors of any age, solely based on their capacity for discernment, a notion that is particularly difficult to evaluate and thus susceptible of favoring every excess.
But there remains a glimmer of hope: there are more and more initiatives being made against the banalization of euthanasia and a real opposition is making itself heard. Health professionals are speaking of the abuse in their services; social media and independent media are relaying documents on the reality of euthanasia.
The only shadow cast on this healthy reaction is religious: the Belgian bishops’ recent declaration on May 22 on the euthanasia practiced on psychiatric patients. The Belgian bishops made only a timid and clumsy protest: “We cannot accept that euthanasia could be practiced on psychiatric patients who are not in a terminal condition”. As if it is another story when they are in a terminal condition!
Their letter ended with an unremarkable and ironic call for debate:
Christians and the heads of the Church are not the only ones asking questions about euthanasia. There is an ongoing social debate. These are fundamental questions: what makes us human? What makes up a human society? What really serves the purpose of progress? There is, in fact, a limit and a prohibition that have been applied for so long, since men first began living together. If we touch them, we are attacking the very foundations of our civilization. That is why we call for great restraint and continuing dialogue on these questions.
The Catholic Church in Belgium seems more intimidated than ever, at a time when the faithful are waiting for their pastors to offer courageous and systematic opposition to a law that openly goes against the most elementary natural law, solemnly pronounced by the Creator in the Decalogue: “Thou shalt not kill.” But God is not even mentioned.
(Sources : / Alliance Vita / Infocatho - FSSPX.Actualités - 29/06/17 )