Benedict XVI meets with the cardinals on March 23.

Source: FSSPX News

The pope announced, on February 22, that he would gather the cardinals in Rome on March 23. This meeting of the college of cardinals follows that with the heads of dicasteries convoked by the sovereign pontiff on February 13 last. 

Benedict XVI had then gathered the cardinals and heads of dicasteries in the Curia in the Bologna Hall on the 3rd floor of the apostolic palace. According to Roman customs, the Holy See did not make public the agenda, nor give other details. But some indiscretions gave to understand that, among the various subjects discussed during the meeting, there was the situation of the SSPX.

On the other hand, the pope may also have consulted his "ministers" about an upcoming reform of the Curia. Anyway, the pope had then wished to convoke a second meeting in order to carry on the debates.

During these ordinary private consistories, the pope submit his proposals and his questions to the cardinals and these latter give their opinions. Such assemblies make it possible to confront various viewpoints. At the end, the sovereign pontiff makes a synthesis of the various interventions.