The Bishops of Ivory Coast Recall That One Cannot Be a Catholic and a Freemason

Source: FSSPX News

After its 107th plenary assembly, the Episcopal Conference of the Ivory Coast published on May 25, 2018, a pastoral letter on the incompatibility between Freemasonry and the Catholic Faith.

In the 53-page document, the Ivorian bishops list the obstacles between Catholicism and Freemasonry.

The Episcopal Conference recalls the fundamental principle of all Masonic lodges: the “relativism” that leads Freemasons to refuse the possibility of Revelation, and cling to a minimal belief in a “Great Architect”.

The sect’s “secrecy” and rituals are also considered as incompatible with the Catholic Church.

In the second part of their pastoral letter, the Ivorian prelates offer two approaches to fight against the influence of Freemasonry: “formation” and “solidarity”.

Formation, to enlighten and forewarn. Solidarity among Christians to create a rampart against the temptation to belong to a lodge. The sweet name of charity would have been more appropriate.

“One cannot be Freemason and Catholic at the same time; it is incompatible. Anyone who does so will not be recognized as one of us,” concluded Bishop Ignatius Bessi Dogbo, bishop of Katiola.