Burgos Will Celebrate Its Jubilee
Pope Francis has granted the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Burgos (Spain) the celebration of a jubilee year on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the laying of the foundation stone of the building.
Bishop Fidel Herraez Vegas, Archbishop of Burgos told the press on May 30, 2019 that the future jubilee year will run from July 20, 2020 to September 7, 2021.
The prelate also said that he would soon be presenting to the Vatican a detailed program of the celebrations that will take place during the jubilee that should see the center of Burgos transformed into a pilgrimage center.
From an original Gothic style that incorporates the canons of Spanish decorative art, the cathedral—the fruit of three centuries of work—is grand. Under the starry sky at the crossroads of the transept is the tomb of El Cid and Jimena, his wife. Burgos is a high place of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, on the French Highway.
(Source : Infocatolica - FSSPX.Actualités – 06/07/2019)