Canada: The bishops protest the vote on homosexual “marriage”

Source: FSSPX News


The adoption of a law, on June 28, permitting homosexual couples to marry has provoked a reaction on the part of the Canadian bishops. In a declaration signed by Mgr. Brendan M. O’Brien, Archbishop of St. John’s and President of the Conference of Canadian Bishops, they declared that it is “the future of marriage as a fundamental social institution which is at stake, as well as the importance for society of the irreplaceable role of a man and wife in the conception and education of children”. “It is their alliance which guarantees a stable environment to the life of the family, a continuity between the generations and parental models, which involve a father and mother”.

The Bishops’ Conference denounced a “dangerous degradation of the common values supported by Canadian men and women”, which “can be observed also in the increase in failed marriages and the number of abortions, and in the decrease in the number of births”.

The Canadian Catholic bishops demanded of the Senate to “consider with prudence the various social, religious, legal and civil consequences of bill C-38” and to permit “the greatest number of Canadians from all parts of the country and from every social and cultural background who have serious reservations on the subject of this bill, to express their point of view”.

For his part, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic, of Toronto, declared that his archdiocese would not recognize the law, saying: “Marriage can only consecrate the union of a man and a woman, open to the bearing of children. Our pastoral work, our churches and our Catholic social services are bound to support Catholic teaching on marriage”.