Canada: The Catholic Church Reiterates Its Confidence in Its Development and Peace Organization

Source: FSSPX News

The Most Reverend Richard Smith, Archbishop of Edmonton and new president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), reiterated his confidence in Development and Peace (DP), the development agency funded to the tune of several million dollars from collections in the parishes.  The President of the CCCB found that DP was the victim of “misinformation,” according to remarks reported by the American Catholic news agency CNS (Catholic News Service).  In particular, he named the Catholic information website (see DICI No. 236).

Archbishop Richard Smith said that there “seems to be a real hysteria” that has grown around this affair.  The CCCB President invites those who feel “panicky” and worried about these developments to take a step back and finally to “simply trust” the bishops and leaders of DP.

The Archbishop of Edmonton said after the plenary session of the CCCB in Cornwall, Ontario, from October 17 to 21, that a liaison structure between the bishops and DP indicates that both “were working very well together” in a climate of “mutual understanding.”

However, according to several investigations backed up by, Development and Peace is in fact a purveyor of funds for militant abortion advocacy groups in the Third World . . . identified in Mexico, the Philippines, Latin America, and Africa, in total, 50 associations financially supported by DP which advocate for abortion, contraception, gay marriage and even prostitution. . . (Sources: apic / cns - DICI No. 244 of 11/11/11)