Canada: The number of religious marriages in Quebec drops again
According to the 2015 official statistics published on July 5, 2016, by the Canadian website Présence-information religieuse, the number of marriages has decreased by over half in Quebec since the 1970’s.
Basilica Our Lady of Montréal.
In 2015, 22,400 marriages were celebrated and only 44% of them were at the church. The study reveals that only 27% of the men and 30% of the women will be married before their 50th birthday. It also remarks that the average age for a “first” marriage is 33.3 for men and 31.8 for women.
The present situation contrasts strongly with that observed in the early 1970’s, when 54,000 marriages were recorded in Quebec in 1972. At the time, the spouses were an average of 25 years old. In 1971, almost all the marriages (95.4%) were celebrated in a place of worship. In the 1990’s, 70% of marriages were still religious.
(Sources: apic/presence-info – DICI no.340 dated Sept. 9, 2016)
Read also:
Canada: Fewer than 1 out of 2 weddings in Quebec are religious
Canada: Inhabitants of Quebec are less and less catholic
Quebec: “Charter of Values” bill exacerbates national secularism
Canada : Rapid transformation of the religious landscape