Cardinal Müller: Warnings Against the Next Synod

Source: FSSPX News

In an interview with InfoVaticana, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, says he is committed to “theological clarity” so that the Synod on Synodality does not become “a political dance around the golden calf of the agnostic spirit of the time.”

The cardinal warns that the Church cannot be “the playground of the ideologues of ‘humanism without God’” and recalls that salvation is in Christ and not in the Great Reset: “The universal salvific will, revealed by Christ, the sole Mediator between God and men, is the program of His Church and not the Great Reset of the atheist-globalist ‘elite’ of bankers who hide their ruthless personal enrichment behind the mask of philanthropy.”

Regarding the participation of the laity in the next synod, the cardinal is clear: “If the laity participate with the right to vote, then it is no longer a synod of bishops.” And regarding the fears of many faithful about what could happen at the synod, he says:

“False prophets who present themselves as progressives have announced that they will transform the Catholic Church into an aid organization for Agenda 2030. According to them, only a Church without Christ has its place in a world without God. Many young people returned from Lisbon disappointed that the focus was no longer on salvation in Christ, but on a worldly doctrine of salvation.”

“Apparently there are even bishops who no longer believe in God as the origin and end of man and savior of the world, but who, in a pan-naturalist or pantheist way, consider the so-called ‘mother earth’ as the beginning of existence and climate neutrality as the goal of planet earth.”

As for the possibility of changing Catholic doctrines, the cardinal said: “No one on earth can change, add to or take away anything from the Word of God. As successors of the Apostles, the pope and the bishops must teach people what Christ commanded them to do. And it is only in this sense that the promise that He will always remain with His disciples applies (Mt. 28:20f).”

He then adds: “The formal authority of the Pope cannot be separated from the substantial link with Sacred Scripture, Apostolic Tradition, and the dogmatic decisions of the Magisterium which preceded him.” Otherwise, he explains, “We would put ourselves in the place of God, who is the sole author of His revealed truth.”

The German cardinal reflects on the role of the papacy: “Throughout the history of the Church, whenever popes have felt or behaved like politicians, things have gone wrong. In politics, it is about the power of the people over the people; in the Church of Christ, it is a question of the service of the eternal salvation of men, to which the Lord has called apostles.”

“The Pope is seated on the Chair of Peter. The way Simon Peter is presented in the New Testament, with all his ups and downs, should be an encouragement and a warning to every pope. In the Upper Room, before His Passion, Jesus said to Peter:

“‘Being once converted, confirm thy brethren” (Lk. 22:32), that is, in faith in Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt. 16:16). Only in this way does he become the rock on which Jesus builds His Church, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt. 16:18).

It is invigorating to hear Cardinal Müller express himself like this. But it should be noted that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not hesitate to recall the obedience that the Pope owes to Scripture and Tradition, and to denounce the deviation given to the Church of God by the Second Vatican Council. Let us rejoice that a certain awareness is growing in the Church and among the high prelates of the origin of the crisis.