Contrition for Sins: An Essential Component of the Sacrament of Confession
The Conversion of Mary Magdalene - Paolo Veronese (1528-1588).
The penitent will stir up his heart to contrition for his sins and a firm purpose of amendment.
Contrition is an intense sorrow of the soul and a hatred for the sins committed, with a firm purpose never to sin again, to mend one’s ways, and to avoid the occasions of sin. It is truly supernatural if produced by grace and for supernatural motives, because of the offense against God who is the Sovereign Good, worthy of being loved above all things, but also because of the shame of sin or the salutary fear of hell and its punishments.
He who knowingly receives the sacrament of Penance without any contrition does not obtain the remission of his sins and commits a grave sin of sacrilege.
May we, like King David, humbly recognize our faults, with a contrite heart crushed with repentance, on our knees, asking, if need be, for the grace to weep for our sins.
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Sources: Gasparri / FSSPX.News – 11/16/2018