The Essence of the Fatima Message of October 13, 1917

Source: FSSPX News

The great event on the 13 October 1917 is certainly the extraordinary miracle of the sun seen by many thousand of witnesses. It can be considered like the heavenly seal to confirm the outstanding importance of Fatima. However, not less important on this day seem to be the words of Our Lady to the children: “Do not offend God any more, because he is already too much offended.”

Fatima is a solemn warning to all sinners about the disastrous consequences of sin. Especially in our times when people offend God and (even Catholics) consider it a “normal thing”, when almost nobody knows how much it hurts God’s heart, this warning is of highest actuality: “Stop it now, it is really too much!”

However, in this apparition and only in it, Our Lady emphasizes the strong words “too much!” What do they mean? We know that each sin, even the slightest one, is already “too much”, and that it is an impossibility if we consider God’s infinite majesty and mercy, and the fact that sin is somehow the negation of God and the effort to eliminate and annihilate Him. From the very first sin of Adam and Eve, and throughout all times, God is too much offended.

But today, the “woman clothed in the sun” working an incredible miracle so that each one may believe, approaches “each one” of Her children with indescribable delicacy: Her eyes are bright like the sun, She is all burning with love like the sun, She stands for me in Her majesty and Her heart is speaking more than Her lips: “my child, my beloved child! Please do not offend God anymore, because you have already offended Him too much! Innumerable times your thoughts, desires, words, and actions have deserved eternal punishment. How long will you continue to provoke God’s infinite Holiness? I, your Heavenly Mother, come now to say to you, to tell you what I want: To save you, my children, at any price, from the fires of hell. Hell exists, and as you have already offended God too much, you are one meter before the eternal abyss. I, your loving Mother, can’t stand this anymore! I weep and agonize for you! Please stop continuing this way; otherwise it will be too late. For so many who wouldn’t stop sinning it became effectively too late!”

But this is not all. We have to grasp more deeply the sense of this anxious call: a noble heart can never say “enough” in his love, it wants to love more and more without limit. On the contrary, the slightest harm, the smallest offense towards the beloved is always “too much”, the loving heart cannot bear whatsoever hurts the beloved. And here Our Lady again laments: “Don’t you see my Son’s infinite love, all His blood shared for you, He Himself annihilated in the little host for you to be close to Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament? He Who is almost always forgotten, abandoned, and neglected by you neither forgets nor abandons you! And also: don’t you see my motherly love is greater than that of all mothers in the world put together?” In this way, She brings me before the intimacy of Her Immaculate Heart to wake up my heart, to put fire in it, and to enkindle in it the love towards God. However, the first and fundamental act of love is to avoid all that makes the beloved weep and sad; and whatever would hurt Him is always “too much!”