European Commission Takes Hungary to Court
Aerial view of the royal castle located on the hill of Buda
The European Commission has decided to take Hungary to the EU Court of Justice over its pro-family law banning the promotion of homosexual and “transgender” material to minors in schools. The law was passed by the Hungarian parliament in June last year.
According to a statement published last Friday, the Commission considers that the Hungarian law violates the rules of the internal market, the fundamental rights of people - in particular that of LGBT people - as well as, with regard to these fundamental rights, the values of the European Union.
The Content of the Law
Hungarian law, in particular, prosecutes content that “promotes or depicts” what it calls “divergence from birth sex identity, gender reassignment or homosexuality” for people under 18 years of age.
The law, passed by the Hungarian Parliament in June 2021, states that “pornography and content that depicts sexuality for personal gain or that promotes gender identity deviation, gender reassignment, and homosexuality must not be made available to persons under the age of eighteen.”
Sex education classes, according to the law, “shall not aim to promote gender segregation, gender reassignment, or homosexuality.”
This press release notes that “the protection of children is an absolute priority for the EU and its Member States. However, Hungarian law contains provisions which are either not justified in terms of promoting this fundamental interest or are disproportionate to achieving the stated objective.” According to the Commission, the law violates the following EU rules:
The Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The e-commerce directive. The Treaty principle relating to the freedom to provide services. The right to data protection. The Single Market Transparency Directive. In general, because of a lack of precision, or in the absence of valid reasons to limit these rights.
The Commission is also targeting, in the context of the application of European law, the systematic violation of a number of fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: the inviolability of human dignity, the right to freedom of expression and information, the right to private and family life, and the right to non-discrimination.
As a reminder, the European Commission is one of the seven institutions of the European Union (EU). It has executive power and legislative initiative. It is responsible for proposing laws, implementing community decisions, defending the treaties of the Union and, in general, ensuring the day-to-day affairs of the Union.
As can be seen, the Commission seeks by all means to prevent a legitimate government from protecting children from filthy and abject propaganda, which is carried out without the consent of the parents, within the framework of the school. And he is the one who would violate human rights!
The means of pressure is very simple: remove subsidies as long as the Hungarian government will not come to terms with it. But it will probably take more to cast doubt on Viktor Orban, who is determined to defend the children and families of his country against the LGBT lobby.
(Source : InfoCatolica – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : Photo 115122754 / Hongrie © Zoltan Gabor |