European Parliament Adopts the Matic Report on Abortion
Interior of the European Parliament chamber
Unfortunately, as was likely, the European Parliament has endorsed the resolution and the report “on the situation concerning reproductive health and rights in the Union in the context of women's health.”
The vote was held on June 24. There were 378 votes “for,” 255 “against,” and 42 abstentions. Admittedly, this text is not binding on the member countries, but it sets a milestone for establishing very serious measures in the future.
FSSPX.News reported on the specific issues raised by this text: the emergence of a “right” to abortion and the refusal of the right of conscientious objection for health personnel, not to mention new requirements regarding the terms of sex education.
Most European abortion laws - although they should be denied the title of law - allow for the decriminalization of abortion. In other words, abortion is still considered a crime, but is no longer punished.
This conception is already a major transgression of natural and positive law. This crime committed against completely destitute innocents in the face of their murderers, in the womb of their own mother, is one of the worst that can be committed.
Theology says that it cries out to Heaven for vengeance, in other words, that it may be punished in a special way by God.
Moreover, wanting to make abortion a right amounts to making this crime a good deed. Because only the good is protected by law. A law that would protect evil cannot be a law in any way. Because the evil - certain evils it should be specified - can at the most be tolerated in certain circumstances.
But the movement initiated by this decriminalization was bound to end in claiming this right, because what is widely practiced always ends up appearing as normal, as good, and ultimately as likely to be sanctioned by law. It becomes the total confusion of minds.
Furthermore, the desire to erase the right to conscientious objection logically follows, because if abortion is a right, what other “right” could oppose it?
We must now hope that this text will remain in the drawer, but, above all, we must do what is in our power, first to oppose this complete derailment, and then to teach and enlighten consciences.
(Sources : Institut européen de bioéthique – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : Flickr / Mines_ParisTech (CC BY-NC 2.0)