Fight for Life: Religious Sister Wins Against the State of Pennsylvania
Mère Lorraine Marie Maguire
In a ruling of July 8, 2020, the United States Supreme Court dealt a further blow to one of the provisions of the social protection system put in place by President Barack Obama, imposing the obligation on any employer to provide a free contraception to its employees.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of the nine Supreme Court justices and a zealous activist for unregulated and free abortion, was bitter on this July 8, 2020. She even declared: “Today, for the first time, the Court totally rejects fundamental rights and interests in its zeal to guarantee religious rights at an unprecedented level”(sic). As if killing a child in its mother’s womb constitutes a “fundamental right.”
The decision, made by a seven-to-two majority—Ruth Ginsburg having the support of Democratic magistrate Sonia Sotomayor—is a blow to one of the Affordable Care Act’s (Obamacare’s) most controversial provisions.
In 2011, the Obama administration established that employers with more than fifty employees must subsidize the provision of contraceptives, including abortifacient drugs to all women employees. The system, which entered into force on January 1, 2014, had exempted certain places of worship from this obligation and made some adjustments for hospitals and denominational schools. However, Catholic hospital congregations were still forced to provide contraceptive coverage for their employees. An unacceptable abuse by the state.
For nine years, Mother Lorraine Marie Maguire, the superior of the Little Sisters of the Poor managing the Saints Peter and Paul home, has been fighting against the State of Pennsylvania, so that no promotion of contraception would be made to employees working in their establishment.
On July 8, the religious sister won her case: “I am delighted with the decision,” she soberly declared. For its part, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has “welcomed” the ruling handed down by the Supreme Court.
(Sources : RSN/Infocatolica - FSSPX.Actualités - 21/07/2020)