Filipino Catholics Decry Bill Leading to Legalization of Civil Divorce

Source: FSSPX News

The bill to legalize divorce in the Philippines is making rapid headway. No less than 77 Catholic organizations have expressed their opposition in a document: “It is unconstitutional, it is against Christian faith and it is anti-family and anti-children.”

The document, mentioned by the papal press agency Fides on April 7, 2018, was written by a group of Catholic associations, then widely distributed in schools, parish communities and various institutions.

The Filipino Constitution stipulates that “marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and must be protected by the State.” In their statement, the Catholic associations recall that the State “has the task of protecting rather than weakening marriage as a social institution.”

What is more, point out these associations, divorce violates Christian doctrine on the sacred and indissoluble nature of marriage: “Our current laws already allow marriage to be declared void or voidable. Annulment is also permitted under certain circumstances.”

“Marriage is not just a contract, it is a sacrament, it is a covenant before God. It is a sacred union between man, woman and God in order to establish a family,” Rey Codero, a member of the Christian Family Movement, told Fides.

The House of Representatives concluded and approved the third and last reading of the law, before Holy Week. The bill will be sent to the Senate that could discuss it in the month of August.

However, several senators have already said that they do not intend to approve it. The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, also expressed his disappointment with regards to the bill, noting that it is a provision which is "harmful for children", but he also said that he will leave Congress the responsibility to express and decide on the issue.