France: 3rd session of the international symposium of theology

On October 7, 8 and 9, in Paris, the Institut Universitaire Saint-Pie X brought together around fifty participants, clerics and laity, on the theme: Vatican II, Towards the Spiritual Unity of the Human Race. Under the direction of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, and with the participation of Bishop Bernard Fellay and Bishop Richard Williamson, five commissions dealt with the question of the spiritual unity of the human race, such as it was presented at Vatican II. The summary of these studies will be the object of a declaration which will be published by DICI
The proceedings of the first two sessions, Vatican II: Introduction to a New Religion and Conscience in the Religion of Vatican II have been published and are available (in French language only) through: France Livres: 6 rue du Petit-Pont 75005 Paris, France (Tel. +33 1 43 25 36 67).