France : The Bishop of Nanterre opposed to the ‘Pass Contraception’

Source: FSSPX News

Bishops Nicolas Brouwet, auxiliary bishop of Nanterre, and Francois de Chaille, diocesan director of Catholic Education, addressed a letter dated May 9th, 2011 to the principals of the Catholic high school establishments of the diocese, asking them to “abstain from installing the ‘Pass contraception’ program.”

In this letter, published in the Nanterre diocese site, the authors rejoice in the “implicit recognition of the gravity of abortion (13,230 cases in 2006 among 15 to 17 years old girls)” and of their desire to decrease this number.  They declare that “the true cause of grief is not in that a pregnancy is not wanted, but that one takes away from one’s own child its right to live.”

To claim that with ‘Pass Contraception’ “one legally makes use of a contraceptive supply which one could dispense according to one’s fancy” is to remove “all responsibility when indulging in sexuality”, they state precisely, and makes contraception “purely a question of technique.”

In providing contraceptives freely and anonymously, the ‘Pass Contraception’ “ousts the parents and prevents a talk” with their children.  As a result, “the Regional Council thus concedes themselves an authority that they do not have over the youth”, and “substitutes a ‘health school’s counselor’ to the authority of the parents.”  It reduces “the question of contraception to a simple problem of health.”  And the authors recall to mind that “pregnancy is not an illness.”

In conclusion, Bishops Brouwet and Francois de Chaille encourage the principals to “continue all the initiatives taken these past years to teach the students the real responsibilities in a relationship, a greater personal and sexual maturity and to aid them in the formation of their conscience.”  (Sources : apic/nanterre.cef #235 of 28/05/11)