France: The Bishops Invite Catholics to Vote in 2012

Source: FSSPX News

Archbishop Andre Vingt-Trois, président of the French Episcopate with Nicolas Sarkozy, présidentof the French Republic.

On October 3, 2011, the bishops of France invited Catholics to take part as seriously as possible in the 2012 vote, for the presidential elections.  In a message entitled “Elections: a vote for what society?”, the Permanent Council of the French Episcopate situates election day in the context of a “global crisis that has been affecting the western countries for the last few decades.”  Several transformations are mentioned, including the “development of scientific techniques, the end of a certain cultural homogeneity in societies and the increase of an individualism that dissolves social life once everyone begins to judge all things according to his own personal interest.”

The bishops recall the “great importance that the Church, ever since her beginnings, attributes to the political function.”  They urge Catholics to take part in the vote “as seriously as possible”, offering elements of discernment for examining the projects of the parties and candidates.  Different important points are thus kept in mind in view of the upcoming presidential elections: “birth, family, education, the youth, the suburbs, the environment, the economy and justice, international cooperation and immigration, disability, patrimony and culture, Europe, secularism and life in society.” (source: apic – DICI#243, October 28, 2011)