France: Facing the crisis of vocations

Source: FSSPX News

Msgr Podvin, French Bishops’ Conference spokesman.

Aging priests and increasingly fewer young Catholics ready to take the path of the religious life – such was the report given February 1, 2013 to the French Bishops’ Conference (CEF). France faces a serious crisis of vocations. Between 2000 and 2012, the number of candidates for the priesthood has fallen by a third, from 976 candidates in 2000 to 691 in 2012. In light of this fact, French bishops have begun a campaign to promote vocations among youth aged 15 – 20, called “Jeunes cathos 2.0” [Young Catholics 2.0].

Moreover, the conference of French religious (Corref) has published the results of a survey taken in 2009 that studied all types of community life in France – retirement homes, university campuses, boarding facilities, workers’ homes, prisons, religious communities. “Religious communities, convents and other monasteries (most ancient form of community life along with barracks) include 37,000 people. The population is elderly with an average of 66 years. Women are in the majority (74%). A high proportion of religious hold diplomas (61% hold a degree equivalent or superior to the French baccalaureate, and 42% hold an undergraduate or postgraduate degree).” To be exact, in 2000 48,412 apostolic religious were counted and 28,678 in 2010, while the number of cloistered religious went from 5,237 to 3,864 in 2010.

Two years ago, in an interview with the Vatican Radio on February 16, 2011, Cardinal Franc Rodé, former prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, stated, “It must be recognized that religious life is in crisis today,” adding, “Secularization has taken over many communities and consciences;” this “secularization is expressed by prayer that is not recollected, often formal; secularization attacks the concept of obedience by introducing a ‘democratic’ mentality that excludes the role of the legitimate authority.” See DICI no. 231, 05/03/11.

(Sources: Vatican Radio – the Corref – the CEF – DICI 270, 15/02/13)

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