France: The letter of Saint Cyrille

Source: FSSPX News


The excellent news bulletin of the Association of Saint Cyrille of Alexandria publishes letters from the missionary fathers, whom the Association has helped in the Ukraine, in Russia, in Mexico, in Zimbabwe… The reader thus benefits from news “from the front line” which is absolutely irreplaceable.

In n° 9 of the first quarter of 2004, one can also read the incredible account by a seminarian from Bombay, of the hinduization of Christianity in his country: “Divine Office at the seminary is often replaced by Shandhya vandana, a Brahmin practice of sun worship. The latter consists of chants, reading of other religions’ writings, such as the Gita, the Koran, stories of hindu “saints”, followed by comparisons with Bible readings, in order to demonstrate the homogeneity between the Bible and other religions. Prasada (delicacies destined to be offered to idols) are offered to the Blessed Sacrament, as in Hindu temples”.

Association Saint Cyrille of Alexandria (ASCA)

6, parc de la Bérengère

F- 92210 Saint-Cloud - Tel/fax: +33 (0) 1 55 57 00 47

Membership (subscription included): 35 € (simple), 85 € (support), 150 € and above (benefactor)