France: The Spiritual and Doctrinal Booklet for the 2018 Pentecost Pilgrimage

Christ the King, La Bourgonnière (Maine et Loire - France).
The doctrinal and spiritual booklet for the 2018 Pentecost Pilgrimage, with the theme “For the Honor of Christ the King,” proposes that we contemplate Christ, the Son of the living God, Christ crucified, and Christ the Head of the Church, so as to lead us to live fully for Him.
“What does it mean to live for Jesus Christ? It means to love what He loved,” Bossuet explains to us. “Now we can identify three things that Jesus loved. He loved the truth; He loved His cross; He loved His Church. He came to preach to mankind; this is why He loved the truth. He came to redeem mankind; this is why He loved His cross. He came to sanctify mankind by the application of His blood; this is why He loved His Church.” (Pilgrimage Booklet, p. 20).
In this booklet Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre leads us deep into the mystery of Jesus: “Saint Paul, speaking to the Greek pagans in the Areopagus, says: ‘Although He be not far from every one of us’ (Acts 17:27), and he adds: ‘For in Him we live and move and are’ (Acts 17:28). But there are two ways of being close,” the missionary Archbishop explains: “Our Lord can be near as Creator, but He can be near through love, through charity, through the union of souls.... How different our dispositions can be with regard to Our Lord! Our Lord wants to enter into us all, wants to love all of us completely, totally, unreservedly. For His part, there are no limits. His love is total, complete and perfect with regard to us. But we have a tendency to restrict our love. As Saint Paul says: ‘Dilatamini cor vestrum, enlarge your hearts’ (cf. 2 Cor 6:13). Do not restrict them, do not make them narrow, small, in such a way that Our Lord cannot enter into them. No, enlarge your hearts and open them to the light of Our Lord, to His love.” (Pilgrimage Booklet, p. 62).
In living for Christ, we have decided to act in Him so that He might reign. For, as the Rev. Fr. Alexandre Brou reminds us: “The Church cannot help being a conquering Church. The only reason why she possesses the doctrine of salvation is to spread it. It is her right and it is her duty. What we call the missions are nothing but the incessant, peaceful battle that she wages on her frontiers to expand her boundaries. She heard the words that the Master spoke to His apostles as He ascended into heaven: Go, teach all nations.” (Pilgrimage Booklet, p. 102).
This booklet thus calls us to a crusade for Jesus Christ, following the vibrant exhortation of Abp. Lefebvre: “We must not give in to discouragement, nor relent in the battle that we are waging, insofar as we are able but with all our strength, to help reestablish the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ over hearts and souls, over families and nations. May Christian civilization be restored in this way, since He Himself has assured us that ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’ (Mt 16:18).” (Pilgrimage Booklet, p. 124).
Croisade pour Jésus-Christ [Crusade for Jesus Christ], Spiritual and Doctrinal Booklet for the 2018 Pentecost Pilgrimage [in French] – 10 Euros
Pèlerinages de Tradition
20 rue Gerbert
F-75015 Paris, FRANCE
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Source: Pèlerinages de Tradition/FSSPX.News - 11/15/17