Greece: An Orthodox Diocese Excommunicates Politicians

Source: FSSPX News

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus

An Extraordinary Synod was held on February 22 in the Greek Orthodox diocese of Piraeus to discuss the consequences of the adoption of the same-sex marriage law in the country. It was decided to excommunicate the politicians who voted in favor of the law.

A Synod Organized by the Piraeus Diocese

The head of the Orthodox Church of Greece, Ieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and all Greece since 2008, declared that this measure would “corrupt the homeland’s social cohesion.”

The Metropolitan of Piraeus, Seraphim, reacted by calling a Synod to denounce the attempt to implement “the woke agenda, which aims to deconstruct Christian doctrine, ethics and culture.”

Following a debate, a resolution was decided: the Synod decreed that those who supported the “overthrow of human ontology and physiology as a legal good and instituted the unnatural apathy” must be considered by the Church as “culpably accomplices of the archetypical serpent,”--that is to say, of Satan.

The Synod therefore decided to excommunicate those who voted against divine law--that is to say, that they will not be able to participate in any liturgy or ceremony of the Orthodox Church nor receive the sacraments, at least until they truly repent, which they can only do by the repealing the “disgraceful legislation” in Parliament.

Metropolitan Seraphim wanted to explain the meaning of the sentence given in an interview on Pemptousia TV about the excommunication of the parliamentarians who voted for the same-sex marriage law in Greece. His statement focused on the “suspension of contacts” and not on communion with the parliamentarians in question.