The Holy See Converts to Participatory Management

Fr. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, Head of the Secretariat for the Economy
In the Vatican, a “pilot project for the evaluation and comprehensive analysis of the level of efficiency, competence, and behavior” of personnel has just started.
The project, whose stated objective is to achieve “virtuous mobility” within the Curia, first concerns certain offices, and if experience proves successful, being extended to other areas.
Each employee, together with his superior, will have to undertake his own assessment in the categories of “efficiency and method,” “competence” and attitude at work, without omitting behavior with the immediate environment.
The evaluation scale - which also includes a self-evaluation carried out by the person concerned - for each sector provides scores from 1 to 5: from “insufficient,” to “needs improvement,” then “adequate,” up to “good,” and, finally, “excellent.”
An Excel spreadsheet will then calculate a partial score for each category and a final overall score, always from 1 to 5.
For Fr. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, current Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, this initiative is part of the reform of the Roman Curia desired by Pope Francis, a reform during which “the need for new skills is emerging in many sectors.”
For the time being, the pilot project concerns only a few offices, but “after having received the experience feedback, all the organs of the Curia gradually will be involved, in order to arrive at a global vision of the means,” specifies the Jesuit in chosen terms.
Under the frescoes of the apostolic palaces, the news was greeted with perplexity, even a certain skepticism. What is this necessary “evolution of behaviors and capacities” that the Secretariat for the Economy has set as its objective? What will happen, more precisely, when the employee's self-assessment differs from the judgment made by the employer?
(Source : Ansa – FSSPX.Actualités)
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