An Ideological Fracture in Europe on Almost Every Major Social Issue
A study published on October 29, 2018, shows how the European nations differ on the major societal issues of Islam, abortion and homosexual “marriage.”
This new study from the Pew Research Center on 34 European countries reveals a Europe divided into two sides on all the major societal issues; on one side are the countries of eastern and central Europe, and those of western Europe are on the other side.
To offer just a few examples: with regards to the integration of Islam, the countries of the former Soviet bloc – including Russia – are mostly opposed to the idea of welcoming a Muslim into their family, unlike the countries of western Europe.
The questions of civil unions between homosexuals and “legal” abortion highlight the same rupture: 7% of the Swedish are opposed to “marriage for all”, compared to 90% of the Russians. 17% of the French say they are against abortion, compared to 56% in Russia and 85% in Georgia.
The rift in the importance of Christian roots is identical: 82% of the Armenians believe the Armenian identity is inseparable from Christianity, but only 32% of the French share this opinion about their own identity…
We must point out, however, that Portugal presents an exception on this particular issue: 62% of the Portuguese consider their identity as closely connected with Catholicism. Doubtless a sign of consolation for the country of Our Lady of Fatima…
Sources: Pew Research Center / FSSPX.News – 11/15/2018