India: Theologians opposed to the instruction on the Eucharist

Source: FSSPX News


He concluded by saying, that the Church in India had a duty to react to the Instruction, which had just been published and implemented by the Indian Bishops Conference. He described the text as unclear, and said that theologians should make sure the bishops understood the implications of the directives therein, and make their position known to Rome.

Another participant at this meeting expressed his astonishment to see the Vatican publish such documents, containing clauses which cast doubt on existing practices, in the framework of an adaptation process which is essential for the Church of India. Some theologians intervened to say that the new instruction disagreed with ecumenism and inculturation, domains in which the Church of India has patiently labored for decades. The Roman document has also been judged contrary to the spirit of Vatican II, and liable to set the Church in India back by about fifty years. Others proposed ignoring a text which would very soon become obsolete.

Nevertheless, the auxiliary bishop of Bombay, Mgr. Angelo Ruffino Gracias, warned the Assembly against a rash reaction to the document. He proposed that the participants commit themselves to a more serious and thorough study of the text, before denying it all wisdom and all relevance. This moderate point of view was echoed by some of the people present at the Assembly, who considered that the Indian Theological Association should give itself more time before responding to the document. The Assembly finally decided to set up a commission of three theologians, to deal with the problem.