The Inosservatore Romano

Source: FSSPX News

The Vatican’s daily newspaper bears the title of Osservatore Romano, which means that its readers have the right to demand that it prove to be not only observant but even vigilant when it prints in its pages a text by the pope which cannot help but sow confusion in their minds.  Indeed, when one is semi-officially the official newspaper of the Holy See, one must foresee the inevitable effects of publishing statements that need commentary at least, if not an exegesis.

The excerpt from the book-length interview by Peter Seewald with Benedict XVI does not give a clear answer to the question:  “Are you saying, then, that the Catholic Church is actually not opposed in principle to the use of condoms?” but instead considers the subjective viewpoint of someone who uses them while on the way to a hypothetical conversion.  The major media and the movements that militantly promote condoms in the name of AIDS prevention immediately rushed into this breach.  It was foreseeable by everybody, except by L’Osservatore Romano!

Unfortunately, for some time now this newspaper has not lived up to its title, which today gives the appearance of deceptive advertising.  It would be more accurate to speak about L’Inosservatore Romano [“The Roman Non-observer”] and (to dot all the i’s) to denounce its incompetence, its insouciance and its intolerable levity.

Fr. Alain Lorans

You can aslo read :
Note on the remarks of Benedict XVI concerning condom use
The media campaign surrounding Light of the World by Benedict XVI
Light… and shadows in "Light of the World" by Fr. Matthias Gaudron