Instruction on the application of Summorum Pontificum to be published in early April?

The instruction determining the criteria for applying the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum on the Traditional Mass could be made public in early April, according to the Italian Vatican-watcher Andrea Tornielli. In the daily newspaper Il Giornale, he asserts that this doctrine issued by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei would urge seminaries throughout the world to teach future priests how to celebrate Mass with the 1962 Missal.
The most varied (not to mention contradictory) rumors are circulating about this instruction and its hypothetical contents. Some insist on the positive elements: it supposedly recalls that the Motu Proprio affirms a universal right of the Church (in other words, that the Tridentine Mass was never abolished) and that everyone is bound to implement it and to make sure that it is applied. Including the bishops, who must not and cannot promulgate restrictions on the right recognized by the Motu Proprio.
In contrast, other rumors talk about notable restrictions. Thus ordination would remain outside the practical scope of the Motu Proprio, so that if a diocesan seminarian (or one from an Ecclesia Dei Institute of diocesan right) asked to be ordained according to the traditional rite, the diocesan bishop would now have to request permission from the Ecclesia Dei Commission. The reason for this regulation is the suppression by Paul VI of the minor orders and the subdiaconate, which were replaced by “ministries” but still remain in the traditional Pontifical.
According to a well-informed Roman source, however, not only theological considerations dictated these restrictions. Indeed, there is no lack of opposition to the Motu Proprio in the pope’s entourage. Thus Msgr. Charles Scicluna, Promoter of Justice, who is known for his impartial intransigence on the question of pedophile priests, is said to have reviewed the Instruction. Now he advocates implementing the conciliar liturgical reform strictly, to the letter, without abuses on the left or concessions on the right. A trusted assistant to Cardinal William Joseph Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he could replace the American Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia as secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship. (Sources : Apic/Imedia/private sources – DICI no. 232 dated March 19, 2011)
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