Jesuit Says Catechism Doctrine on Homosexuality Kills
Fr. James Martin with Pope Francis
Pope Francis has again praised and confirmed Jesuit James Martin’s work with homosexuals, even though it is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Jesuit James Martin considers same-sex relations to be morally permissible. Not only does he not accept the teaching of the catechism on this point, but he saw fit to declare that this teaching leads to deaths by suicide, that is, it kills people.
He also openly rejects what the Bible says about homosexuality. He has, moreover, been condemned by several bishops, including Bishop José Ignacio Munilla, precisely because he is an instrument in the service of sin, since he explicitly rejects the fact that homosexuals must lead a life of chastity. He is also in favor of infantile transsexuality.
These sentiments not prevent Pope Francis from congratulating him from time to time for his work, which recently happened.
A few weeks after the Outreach LGBT Catholic Ministry Conference held at Fordham University on June 24-25, James Martin and the organizers of the event sent the Pope a copy of the conference brochure, along with a summary of the discussions and interventions. Here is the Pope's response:
Dear Brother,
Thank you for the letter you sent me a few weeks ago together with the brochure “Outreach 2022.” Congratulations for having been able to make this year’s event happen in person.
I am aware that the most valuable thing is not what appears in the brochures and photos, but what happened in the interpersonal meetings. In fact, the pandemic made us look for alternatives to shorten the distances. It also taught us that there are things that are irreplaceable, among them being able to look at each other “face to face,” even with those who think differently or with whom differences seem to separate and even confront us. When we overcome those barriers, we realize that there is more that unites us than what keeps us apart.
I encourage you to continue working in the culture of encounter, which shortens distances and enriches us with our differences, just as Jesus did, who made himself close to everyone.
I assure you of my prayers. Do not stop praying for me. May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you.
Fraternally, Francisco
Between the bishops who condemn the attitude of the Jesuit Martin, and Pope Francis who encourages him, confusion becomes total in the minds of the faithful. Clearly Francis has a plan in this area, which will likely be revealed in the conclusions of the Synod on Synodality.
(Source : InfoCatolica – FSSPX.Actualités)
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