La Reja Seminary: Tonsure, Minor Orders and Subdiaconate – 2022
The Spanish-speaking seminary of the Society of Saint Pius X, Seminario Nuestra Señora Corredentora, located in La Reja, Argentina, near Buenos Aires, in the southern hemisphere, has a different regime for ordinations from those located in the Northern Hemisphere. The beginning of October is often the time chosen to give certain ordinations.
Some seminarians were from the Holy Cross seminary in Australia, a country which was not easily accessible during the health crisis, so they had not received orders during that time, and thus required “catching up.”
This is why, on Friday, October 7, 2022, on the feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta conferred the tonsure on an Australian seminarian, and the four minor orders on a Filipino seminarian.
On Saturday, October 8, 2022, the ordination ceremony took place during the Pontifical Mass celebrated by His Excellency Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta. A total of 19 seminarians were ordained.
– Eight second-year seminarians received the tonsure;
– Three third-year seminarians received the first minor orders of porter and lector;
– Four fourth-year seminarians – two of whom had also just received the first minor orders – received the second minor orders of exorcist and acolyte;
– finally, four fifth-year seminarians received the major order of the sub-diaconate.
Attendance at the ceremony was very large, especially because two large families were able to assist their sons in the final and sacred stage of the subdiaconate. There were also a goodly number of the faithful from Brazil and Paraguay.
Let us keep these newly ordained in our prayers, praying for their perseverance and for their holy preparation for the priesthood.
(Source : Seminario Nuestra Señora Corredentora – FSSPX.Actualités)