La Reja Seminary: Vows, Taking the Habit, and First Commitments — 2024
On Sunday, September 29, 2024, when the Church celebrates the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, patron saint of the Brothers of the Society of Saint Pius X, a ceremony was held in the seminary church for the vows and taking of the habit for the Brothers, and the first commitments for the seminarians.
The seminary director received the first commitments of six second-year seminarians: one Brazilian, one Chilean and four Mexicans.
He also gave the religious habit to two novices who thus began their novitiate: an Argentinean and a Peruvian.
And he received the first vows of a Brazilian brother. Three other brothers renewed their vows on this occasion.
This gift to religious life in the novitiate prepares us for the vows which are the very foundation of this life: vows which, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, in his beautiful little writing on The Perfection of the Spiritual Life, place the one who pronounces them in the “state of perfection.”
No doubt the religious is not perfect, but the state he has chosen will lead him to the perfection of charity, if he is faithful to it, because it removes the obstacles to progress in virtue and in union with God.
Let us pray for the perseverance of all in their vocation.
(Source : Seminario Nostra Senora Corredentora – FSSPX.Actualités)