Lent with Bossuet – Meditations on the Gospel (13)

Source: FSSPX News

Detail from “Adoration of the Trinity” (1511) – Albert Durer.

The recovery of the universe has been the fruit of this cruel and mysterious exaltation. Go to the foot of the cross and say to the Saviour: “Draw me: we will run after thee to the odor of thy ointments” (Cant. 1:3).

The mercy which makes You submit to the agony of the Cross, the love which causes Your death and which emerges from all Your wounds, is the sweet perfume which issues forth to entice all hearts. Entice me in this powerful and sweet manner of which You said, “No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him,” (Jn 6:44).

Draw me in this all-powerful manner which does not permit me to remain by the way. Oh that I might go to You, to Your cross; that I might be united to it, pierced with Your nails, crucified with You, so that I might no longer live for the world, but for You only.

When shall I say with Your apostle:…“the charity of Jesus Christ presseth us; judging that if one died for all, then all were dead. And Christ died for all; that they also who live, may not now live to themselves, but unto Him Who died for them, and rose again” (II Cor.5:14-15).