Lent with Bossuet - Meditations on the Gospel (15)

Detail from “Judas’ Kiss” (17th Century) – Flemish School
Jesus is the light to those who open their eyes in order to see Him. To those who close them, however, He is a stone against which they stumble and dash themselves to pieces.
The Incredulous Will Not Open Their Eyes to the Light
Jesus is the light to those who open their eyes in order to see Him. To those who close them, however, He is a stone against which they stumble and dash themselves to pieces.
For lack of having wished to learn from Him the mystery of His infirmity, these people knock and dash themselves to pieces. They do not know Him, so they ask: “Who is this Son of Man Who must be crucified, and thereby draw all things to Him? Is it You Whom we see so weak?”
Let us conceive a certain state of the soul where it seems that the light is withdrawn. By being contemptuous of it, we cease to notice it. A thick cloud covers it from us. Our passions, which we allow to grow, are going to entirely steal it from us—let us go on as long as there remains for us a tiny spark.
What horror to be enveloped in the darkness, in the midst of so many precipices! This is your state, O soul, if you let be extinguished this remaining spark of light which still shines for you for a moment.
Related links
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (14)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (13)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (12)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (11)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (10)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (9)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (8)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (7)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (6)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (5)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (4)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (3)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (2)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (1)
(FSSPX.Actualités - 18/03/2020)