Lent with Bossuet – Meditations on the Gospel (2)

Detail from “The Crucifixion” (1503) - Lucas Cranach the Elder.
Jesus’ Friendship Is a Model For Ours
Since Jesus did not disdain to have friends on earth, let us follow this model in our friendships. Let us love those who are charitable, and who offer voluntary hospitality, for in their capacity as hosts, it is Jesus Whom they receive. Let us love a Martha so zealous to serve Jesus that she exceeds even excessive eagerness, and even worry for which she is rebuked. If our friends have faults, let them be faults founded on good deeds.
But let us love especially a Mary who is always at the feet of Jesus, always attentive to His word, and “to the better part which could not be taken from her” (Lk.10:39-42). Behold those whom Jesus Christ honored with a special friendship.
Upon seeing Lazarus, Jesus wept. “See how He loved him,”(Jn.11:36). Be praised, oh Lord Jesus! for having wished that we be able to observe the tenderness that You have for Your friends. May we be permitted to imitate it, and to love by Your example. Hard and unfeeling hearts are not those that please You. Regulate our friendships, and be our model for them. Let us not flatter our friends. Let us correct, like You, reckless attentiveness. Let us love, like You, the good and the steadfast in our friends.
Related links
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (10)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (9)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (8)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (7)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (6)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (5)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (4)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (3)
- Le Carême avec Bossuet - Méditations sur l’Evangile (1)
(FSSPX.Actualités - 03/03/2020)