Lent with Bossuet – Meditations on the Gospel (24)

Source: FSSPX News

Detail from Caravaggio’s “Christ” (c. 1525)

What Does It Mean to Render Fruit In Season?

Let us weigh these words in particular: Who will render fruit in season? (Mt. 21:41). Distinct from the fruits of childhood are those of youth and of old age. So too, the fruit of one who is just beginning differs from the fruit of one who is perfect in piety.

The fruit of a novice is different from that of a religious. Likewise, the fruit of minor orders differs from that of the priesthood, which differs from that of the episcopate. Take care also, to think not only of the fruit, but also of its ripeness.

Let us ponder the following: “The inheritance shall be ours” (Mk. 12:7). Yet, we seek independence. The prodigal wants to be given his share of the possessions. He is tired of being in tutelage under the guidance of a good father.

In bringing about the death of Jesus Christ, the high priests imagined that they were relieving themselves of an irksome yoke, an inconvenient ecclesiastical censure. Henceforth, who would dare to trouble the domination that they exercised over consciences, and the plundering which they did under these pretexts?

But the prudence of the flesh is overthrown even on earth. They lost, not only the fruits, but even the least part of the inheritance they wanted to possess. Their power was taken away from them. Their city and their temple were destroyed. There they were, the eternal disgrace of nations.