Lent with Bossuet – Meditations on the Gospel (6)

Source: FSSPX News

Detail from “the Crucifixion” (1503) – Lucas Cranach the Elder

Jesus was to spend all His life in persecution, in perils, with precautions, and, so to speak, in a continuous flight because of the hatred of the Jews. Nevertheless, when it was necessary, and at the most solemn times, Jesus appeared in Jerusalem in order that the light of the Gospel might be spread from there into the whole country, as from the head over its members.

Jesus’s Sojourn in Jerusalem

Ordinarily, the Saviour was obliged to live in Galilee, because the high priests and the others who were plotting His death did not have the same power, nor the same means of carrying into effect this dark design in that country, as in Jerusalem and its environs.

Jesus was to spend all His life in persecution, in perils, with precautions, and, so to speak, in a continuous flight because of the hatred of the Jews. Nevertheless, when it was necessary, and at the most solemn times, Jesus appeared in Jerusalem in order that the light of the Gospel might be spread from there into the whole country, as from the head over its members.

Let us admire the gentle ways of the wisdom of God who does not wish that His Son work everything through miracles and through power alone, but also by accomplishing the mysteries of His humiliation; and by teaching His disciples through His example, the precautions and the prudence with which they must act in all things.

Let us follow Jesus to Jerusalem where He will appear for the last time, and where He will also teach and accomplish the most essential mysteries.