The Letter on Marriages: Objections and Clarifications

The Vatican has given priests of the SSPX (under certain circumstances) the power to celebrate the marriages of their faithful in the traditional rite.
Progress for some, a trap for others: between hope and fear, what objective judgment should be made on these provisions of the Holy See with regard to the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre?
The General House of the Society of St. Pius X offers some reflections on this Roman document.
In the first part, the present study deals with:
- The Origin of the “Ordinary Form” of Marriage
- Delegation to Celebrate a Wedding
- The “Extraordinary Form” and its Legitimacy
- Marriages in the Society of St. Pius X
- The Provisions of the Letter
- Practical Details
In a second part, the study responds to the main objections raised by the Roman provisions, before wondering: can Cardinal Müller’s letter objectively make it possible to make progress, advantageously for Tradition, in a situation which some consider legitimately as unjust?