Lourdes Pilgrimage 2020 – Saturday

Source: FSSPX News

The first day of the 2020 Lourdes Pilgrimage, Saturday, October 24

Despite all the difficulties linked to the health crisis: travel made more difficult, curfews, limitations of the faithful, hotels closed: 4,000 pilgrims - the maximum authorized threshold - were not discouraged and responded to this great event of the year in the traditional calendar, made even more important by the celebration of the golden jubilee of the Society of Saint Pius X, and the presence of its superior general, Fr. Pagliarani.

The limitation of pilgrims was compensated - in a way - by the multiplication of ceremonies. There were indeed, on this Saturday, four solemn Masses and four Stations of the Cross! This is because of the limitation of 1,000 of the number of faithful admitted for each ceremony. Two masses were thus celebrated successively in the underground basilica of Saint Pius X and two others under a podium erected in the open air.

The two slideshows reflect the ceremonies in each of the places of worship.