Month of St. Joseph: The Custodian of the Holy Family

Source: FSSPX News

An excerpt from Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet's work, First Panegyric of St. Joseph

I can do nothing more fitting on the solemnity of this day than to present this great saint to you as a man whom God chose from among all other men to place His treasure in his hands and make him His custodian here below. Nothing could be more illustrious; and this beautiful title of custodian, in revealing to us God’s designs for this blessed patriarch, shows us the source of all his graces and the foundation of all his praise.

What a glory for St. Joseph to be made by God the custodian not only of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom his angelic purity was so agreeable, but also of His own Son, the sole object of His pleasure and the only hope of our salvation!