Most Complete 1962 Liturgical Calendar is Online
All the instructions for celebrating Mass can be found in the online Ordo of the Society of Saint Pius X
Just in time for the start of the liturgical year, the Society of Saint Pius X publishes the most complete liturgical calendar online. This calendar follows the liturgical books of 1962 which Pope Benedict XVI authorized for use in the Universal Church. The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) offers this service to all priests, to those who serve at the altar and in the sacristy, as well as to all those that are attached to the Church's traditional liturgy.
Update: January 23, 2018 -
The Ordo contains timely information, uploaded and published on the 20th of every month that can be easily used to put in parish bulletins or for other educational purposes. Examples include the practices of blessing ashes, information about Candlemas practices, and much more. Please visit the site if you have not seen this new feature.
Update: The online ordo now contains blessings and rites.
For the first time ever, a full iturgical calendar is at the tip of your finger. In the future you can access this calendar on all devices: PCs, Macs, tablets, and phones. It includes all liturgical instructions for Mass and the Breviary. Built as a web app, the calender is primarily built for handheld devices. The SSPX is proud to offer this as a service to the Church, for all, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Simply go to:
Simple Navigation
The liturgical calendar immediately opens to the precise day to offer all the information the user needs to find. Going to calendar view, you can quickly jump ahead and find information you might need to prepare for a specific feast. The print function allows to print one day or a specific range of days of the liturgical calendar.
Rich Content
The liturgical calendar provides all the instructions for the celebration of the Mass as well as guidance to those who recite the Breviary. If further information is needed, dedicated navigation buttons direct the user to specific information on the liturgical season and the rubrical norms.
Special Information for the U.S.
Users in the United States can find all information on local feast days:
Local info: I class in the Cathedral church of the diocese of Des Moines, Titular. I Vespers from Common of a Doctor with commemoration of the feria. Mass In medio, commemoration of the feria, Credo, common preface. I Vespers of BVM with commemoration of St. Ambrose, (antiphon O Doctor) and commemoration of the feria."
Furthermore, the priests and faithful of the Society of St. Pius X can find relevant information that is not contained in the liturgical books, but important to the life of the Society in the reminders:
Reminder: Novena of preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and as preparation of the final ceremony of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue. 'Download the prayer card for the Consecration to the Immculate Heart of Mary.'
How to Bookmark this Application
While this is - in reality - a website, it can be added the home screen of phones and mobile devices so that it can function like any other app. Simply bookmark the following link, which will always pull up the current day's ordo:
- Tap “Menu” and wait for the menu to appear from the bottom of the screen. Select “Add Bookmark.”
- Enter information about the website so that you’ll remember it. While the browser automatically fills in the bookmark address, you need to add a title.
- Touch “Done.”
- Launch the browser, touch “Menu,” then tap “Bookmarks” to access your bookmarked page.
- Tap the Share button.
- Tap Add to Home Screen.
- Click Add.
- Press More icon and select the function Add more favorite.
- Press Done if you don’t need to make any changes (If you do need to change something, you can tap inside the text box to edit an entry and press Done when you’re finished).
To access a website directly from start screen, you can also pin your web to the start screen by selecting Pin to start after you press More icon.