New Gender Ideology Laws Up for Vote in the Senate in Chile

Source: FSSPX News

In Chile, the nightmare is about to become a reality. On April 9, 2018, the Senate began examining a bill on the Gender ideology that has already been approved by the deputies, with the “blessing” of President Sebastián Piñera.

The text up for vote by the senators would legalize a change of name and sex in both public and private records. According to the terms of the new law, a young teen could choose his “sexual orientation” with his parents’ approval as early as the age of 14.

If the law is approved, it will oblige persons and both public and private institutions to treat the person in question according to his or her “new sexual identity”, explains Infocatólica. The bill has received a significant amount of support from the president of the Chilean Republic, Sebastián Piñera.

Francisco Fritis, president of the Padres Objectores – a Chilean association that fights against the Gender ideology – told the press agency Actuall of the pressure from international organizations – WHO, UN, UNESCO – whose “directives have become increasingly ideological: they intend to remodel society by weakening families,” he declared.