News from the Ecclesia Dei communities

Source: FSSPX News

The French district of the Society of St. Peter has just released its Letter to friends and benefactors. In the « word from the treasurer », we learn that « about half of the houses (of the FSSP, ed.) give the totality of their collections to the diocese from whom they receive their pastoral mission. In return they receive some financial help from the diocese, such as the reimbursement of the priests’ social contributions and/or the payment for their monthly treatment. » Let us salute the honesty of this treasurer, who informs the faithful that their money ends up in the hands of those who spend the best part of their energy in suppressing the Tridentine Mass.

Dom Forgeot, father abbot of Fontgombault, celebrated on the 9th December the 25th anniversary of his abbatial blessing. He was accompanied by nine Benedictine father abbots (Solesmes, Randol, Triors, Kergonan, Ligugé, Clervaux, Flavigny, etc.) and representatives from the Ecclesia Dei communities (Fraternity of St. Peter, Institute of Christ the King, Society of St. Vincent Ferrer, Riaumont, etc.). « The beautiful Mass was celebrated in the new rite, entirely in Latin and Gregorian chant » writes La Nef (n° 134). In fact, the Benedictine father abbots concelebrated the New Mass with the Archbishop of Bourges. The representatives of the Ecclesia Dei communities took active participation, being present wearing their surplice in the sanctuary of the abbey church.Yet Fontgombault had gone back to celebrating the Tridentine rite as their conventual Mass, in the wake of the 1984 indult. But the celebration of the New Mass fits in precisely in the perspective of this indult. As Jean Madiran said so well, the indult of 1984 « gives to those who wanted to suppress the traditional Mass the faculty to authorise its celebration by those who give evidence that they have no reason for desiring it. »

The Council : a grace for the Church

« The debate on the Council on the TV programme Jour du Seigneur saw the director of La Nef defend the Council against a contradicting « Catholic theologian » ! Not forgetting the studies by Le Barroux, the Society of St. Vincent Ferrer, and the Society of St. Peter. Today, the real Council is better defended there than in La Croix or La Vie ! » (La Nef, n° 143)