The next pope as seen by one of his electors

It is informative to look into the declarations of the elector cardinals on the next pope, in order to try and discern by what criteria they will elect one from amongst themselves. Thus, according to Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, librarian and archivist of the Holy See, the successor of John Paul II will have to strive for the continuation of interreligious and intercultural dialogue. He must also support a better application of international law, notably for the resolution of the crisis in the Middle East.
The French prelate gave an interview on April 10 to the Italian daily La Repubblica, in which he declared, the pontificate of John Paul II “has been a pontificate which has given a sense of universality and of visibility. It has promoted dialogue with cultures and religions as well as the presence of the Church in international society”. Questioned about the challenges which the new pope will have to face on the geopolitical level, the former Secretary of the Holy See for relations with States, replied that he will have to see to it that international law is better applied.
Concerning the other priorities of the new pope, Cardinal Tauran replied : “What concerns me, is the transmission of the content of the faith”. "Emotions are not enough, content is essential. The faith cannot be mere sentiment”. “Paul VI used to say that young people are more inspired by example than by teaching”, he added. “Today we live in a global society, people are informed and they expect to see Christians who are consistent”. For the cardinal “up to date Christians are obnoxious”. “On the contrary, I think that Christians have to be living interrogations for their entourage (…) because we have to provoke questions in those who see how we live”, he said.
Asked about Cardinal Ratzinger’s condemnation of some members of the Catholic Church during his meditations on the Way of the Cross on Good Friday (March 25), Cardinal Tauran replied : “That was an exercise in honesty. The Church, throughout her history has had sinners amongst its members”.
The journalist from La Repubblica alluded to the very striking words of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in particular, the meditation on the Ninth Station : “(…) Should we not think of what Christ must suffer even in his own Church. How many times do we abuse the Blessed Sacrament of His presence, into what empty and evil heart He often enters! How many times do we celebrate for ourselves only! And are not even aware of His presence! How many times has His word been distorted and sullied ! What lack of faith in so many theories, how many empty words. What blemishes, especially among those who, in the priesthood should belong to Him alone. How much pride and self sufficiency! What lack of attention to the sacrament of Reconciliation, where Christ waits for us to rescue us from our falls! All of this is present in his Passion. The betrayal by his disciples, the unworthy reception of his Body and Blood are certainly the greatest sufferings of our Redeemer, those which pierce his Heart (…) Often Lord, your Church seems like a boat ready to sink, a boat which is letting in water everywhere. And in your field we see more darnel than good seed. The dirty face and clothing of your Church frighten us. But it is we ourselves who are soiling them ! It is we who betray you every time, after all our fine words and beautiful gestures. (…)”. | |||